If I were Queen of Dallas for a Day, there should be a contract attached to each pumpkin obligating the purchaser to boil, bake or compost each purchase. I’m talking pumpkins - hundreds if not thousands of them- stacked on the porches of Dallas for harvest season decor.
Current trends seem to require clusters of 2 or 3 or even more pumpkins and even exotic squash piled on the front steps or posed artistically in stacks next to the front door. Some of the displays involve bundles of corn husks, life size scarecrows and enough potted mums to decorate a small cemetery. Occasionally there is a single orange pumpkin sitting straight up on a bare concrete step, a minimalist display.
At the minimum, we should all be required to pause for a moment at the time of purchase to ponder the hugely abundant world we live in, one where beautiful healthful food is a seasonal display.